Sunday, February 14, 2010

Great Day

A great day at church today! I saw a lot of Losers are looking good! Seriously, I hope you have had a good week and are not letting a little holiday called "Valentine's Day" throw you for a loop. Here is the deal...if you overindulge in chocolate or dessert or bread or pasta...whatever was your celebration food, all you need to do is less carbs the rest of the day and 2. exercise a little more. An occasional choice of a higher calorie food is not so bad if you adjust your eating the rest of the day and get in your exercise. Walk an extra mile, do an extra 20 minutes with an exercise video...whatever you like to do. My solution for our birthday celebration for my daughter Val...tonight it is Progresso Soup (1 Weight Watcher Point per serving) and salad will be my dinner and I am heading to the gym to counteract some carbs I had at lunch.
Good news...we got 50 orders for t-shirts, so those of you who want shirts, it will be $7.75. I need the money on Wednesday since we will pay up front. Your team leaders will be contacting you about getting your shirt money. If you write a check, please make it out to "Kelly Tracy". We will not be paying through the church. Of course, cash is always great!
I am excited to see you in the gym this week and to hear about the great choices you are making. Please write back a comment on the blog. It helps me to hear from you! That way I know I am not just talking to myself!
Have a great week! Make good decisions!


  1. You all are doing great! Keep it up!

  2. The Olympics give me inspiration! These athletes work hard! I'm sure they don't feel like working out everyday, but they know the importance of diet and exercise if they want to achieve their goal!

  3. Something to keep in mind, the sunday school class of Tim Kalb/Randy Hart have made up 2 different baskets for the silent auction Sunday night. One of them is a Biggest Loser for Men basket and the other is a Biggest Loser for Women basket. They each have gym memberships, snacks, home exercise aids, books/magazines, and lots of other good stuff. Keep an eye out for them. You can support teen mops along with giving your weight loss program a boost... it's a win/win!!!

  4. Thanks for the heads up! Sounds like 2 great baskets to bid on!

  5. I'm not sure if I did this right; but I'm giving it a try. Not sure about anyone else but I have struggled since I weighed last week. :(

  6. Tonia...I'm praying for you. Here are some things to check. Do you have a plan? If not, count calories. Check the calorie intake chart on this site to see what should be your target number of calories per day. Drink 8-8oz glasses of water every day. Exercise...if you aren't a gym member somewhere see if you can find an exercise program on TV. If not, resort to walking or walking stairs or go to the mall and walk. You could even do floor exercises at your house. Just get moving!
    You can do this! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  7. I don't every see any of you in the gym...I guess 530 is just too early for you all...

  8. 5:30am! Whew! You are an early bird.
    Okay friends, this is a new week. Valentines is over! Get the chocolate out of the house. We can do it, let's start today!

    The baskets sound awesome! What a great cause too!

  9. You will only see me there at 5:30 a.m. if I am still up from the day before and need to wear myself out so I can sleep!

    Glad to hear you have been going. I go at the other 5:30...
