Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Well teams, we have just had our last weigh-in for this season. It has been loads of fun. I have seen team leaders working hard to encourage their teams. There have been those weighing you in week by week and doing the math for our weekly results. We have had team members who have been dedicated to their weight loss journey and have consistently shown up for our weekly weigh-ins. Together, we have made a great season of Bethel's Biggest Loser!
It's all over but the banquet, and I want to see all of you there! Be sure to sign up via your team leader or on Sunday. We want everyone to attend. It will be a lot of fun!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Well Losers,
We have made it through 12 weeks, and we have one more week to go in this contest. From my vantage point, it is still anybody's game. The lead has changed almost weekly, which has made this game extra fun. It has kept all of us in the game to the end.
This is your last chance to make your weight loss count for your team. Give it your all this week and let's see who comes out on top!
The victory celebration is set for Sunday May 16 at 12:45 at Ravanelli's in Collinsville. The cost has been taken care of with your registration fee from the beginning of the contest, so make plans now to join us. We will have a sign-up sheet at weigh-in, plus your team captain will hopefully be checking with you about it. Please come...let's celebrate the end of this journey in a fun way. Plus, the winners will be award their cash prizes... You can't beat the fellowship!
Have a great hard...and...
I'll see you at the scale.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010




Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Easter is Sunday. Have you prepared your heart for worship this week? Have you invited anyone to join you?
I am anticipating a wonderful day of worship as we celebrate our Risen Lord! Hallelujah, Christ is not in the grave, He is risen!
I am looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Don't Lose Your Focus

Hey Losers,

How is it going? Are you still going strong or have you lost some of your focus? Tonight I saw that several people didn't weigh in. Granted, I am aware that several members are out of state or even out of the country, but we still had several others that did not weigh in. You've got to remember that you are part of a team and your team is depending on you to give your best effort week-by-week. We all know that this is a fun competition, but you have made a commitment to your team and, more importantly, to God, to work on making your body a more fit temple. Have you fallen into a ditch? If so, climb out, dust yourself off, and get back on the road.
I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT! I am praying for you.

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross,despising the shame, and has sad down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that YOU will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12:1-3 NASB

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bethel's Biggest Loser...

Are you walking the talk...with your diet, exercise, and spiritual life?
Ponder on that this week...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hey Losers,

Tonight was a great night for Bethel's Biggest Loser! We have lost 415.8 pounds so far in this contest. I look forward every week to seeing the victories, and sometimes even the setbacks of your week. Every step helps to shape who we are..,physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your grit and determination to not let the struggle of your weight and your health defeat you is inspiring. You are just like the Energizer keep going and going and going. Continue to make good choices in your diet, your exercise, and your prayer life. If you slip up, don't be defeated...get up and get back at it with more determination that ever. You can do this, I know you can. I am proud of you. Keep it up.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Did you catch Biggest Loser tonight?

I hope you are taking to watch The Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights. It is such an inspiration to watch people just like us work toward becoming healthier. Of course, you have to take into account that they are at a ranch that lets them exercise many hours every day, keeps the temptation foods mostly out of sight, and teaches them healthy habits. This week was interesting because they had to participate in an 8 hour per day work week. They had to pack their own lunches to take and then had to fit their exercise in around their workday. On top of that, the 24-hour gym had a closing time...7:30. It was good to watch their decisions to help them account for working and being tired from their day and having to fit in gym time. They did well this week and gave a good example of how to get your workout in and how to eat healthy. On one day Sam forgot his lunch at home and checked out the vending healthy options there. Luckily, Stephanie remembered seeing a Subway down the street, so he was able to go there for a healthy meal. All good thoughts for those of us living the challenge of weight loss and healthy choices.

How were your decisions this week? It's last chance workout time...get it in before weigh-in time and ...I'll see you at the scale.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I count it all gain when my muscles are sore after my workout, because I know that by working out at a different intensity, that I am perfecting my body into a fit temple for Christ, which is my goal.
Enough said.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Everyone, be sure to pick up your Bethel's Biggest Loser t-shirts on Wednesday. They look great and I am excited to see you all wearing them.
It's last chance workout time...what are you going to do? Be sure to get some exercise in tomorrow.
How have you done this week? Is your momentum high or low? Are you sticking to your plan or have you fudged a little? I hope you are standing strong and remaining positive. I hope you are being an encourager to someone else. This game is all about teamwork...not just for your actual team, but for all those in our contest. The real goal is getting ourselves, our families, and our friends to have a fit body, ready for service for our Lord. Encourage, praise, cheer, rejoice, support one another. I am proud of you all and am looking forward to Wednesday.

See you at the scale.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Hey Bethel's Biggest Loser Bloggers...
Does anyone have a good low-cal recipe that you could share with everyone? I know I am always out there looking for something new that I can make or eat that will fit into my diet plan. I know you are coming up with some good share. This post will be dedicated to recipes. It can be for any meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks. I am looking forward to seeing what you have to share. Please include the calorie count per serving if you can.

See you at the scale

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Fitness Website!

Hey Bloggers...

Check out the new fitness website I posted on this page. It is called My Fitness Pal and it is fabulous! It takes the work out of figuring out your daily calories,and exercise. It keeps track of EVERYTHING for you and will even make a graph to chart your weight loss progress! What could be easier?
You can find it on the web at or if you have an iphone, it is a free app. Check it out and let me know what you think!


See you at the scale!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It was a good day at Bethel

Hey fellow losers!
I saw so many of you at church today and you are looking good! It is such a blessing to be involved in this journey with so fellow Christians. It helps to know others are supporting and praying for you. This is the start of a new week...another chance to make good choices, through diet, exercise, and quiet time. I will be praying for you all this week. I'm looking forward to Wednesday!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today is a New Week...

I love watching the Olympics, don't you? What is your favorite event? I always like figure skating, but I find that wherever the action is...wherever the teams are exceling, that is what I want to be watching. It is exciting to see athletes do well and WOW everyone with their speed, skill, or tricks.
Truthfully...weight loss is sort of the same way. We like to watch the ones who seem to be having success. We ask them what they are doing to give them such good results. What diet tips do they have? What exercises are they doing? We look for inspiration from others. Great! Keep seeking out that inspiration if that is what keeps you focused and forward thinking. Don't get stuck in the rut of "Everyone else can do it but me." That is self-defeating. Think positive thoughts...put your own effort into it. Pray for discipline in your diet and exercise!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Last Chance Workout

OK Kids...It's Last Chance Workout Time!
Even if you haven't been regular on your exercise this week...exercise today! Don't overeat before the your evening meal for after weigh-in. Drink lots of water. It keeps you healthy and helps flush your system. The biggest thing is...SHOW UP FOR THE WEIGH-IN! I am excited to see how you have all done this week.
We will be paying for our t-shirts tomorrow night. See your team leader or give it to myself or Valerie at the registration table. Be sure to make your checks out to Kelly Tracy. The cost is $7.75.
I am proud of you all! Keep working hard. Bathe your journey in prayer. Encourage your teammates.
See you at the scale.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Great Day

A great day at church today! I saw a lot of Losers are looking good! Seriously, I hope you have had a good week and are not letting a little holiday called "Valentine's Day" throw you for a loop. Here is the deal...if you overindulge in chocolate or dessert or bread or pasta...whatever was your celebration food, all you need to do is less carbs the rest of the day and 2. exercise a little more. An occasional choice of a higher calorie food is not so bad if you adjust your eating the rest of the day and get in your exercise. Walk an extra mile, do an extra 20 minutes with an exercise video...whatever you like to do. My solution for our birthday celebration for my daughter Val...tonight it is Progresso Soup (1 Weight Watcher Point per serving) and salad will be my dinner and I am heading to the gym to counteract some carbs I had at lunch.
Good news...we got 50 orders for t-shirts, so those of you who want shirts, it will be $7.75. I need the money on Wednesday since we will pay up front. Your team leaders will be contacting you about getting your shirt money. If you write a check, please make it out to "Kelly Tracy". We will not be paying through the church. Of course, cash is always great!
I am excited to see you in the gym this week and to hear about the great choices you are making. Please write back a comment on the blog. It helps me to hear from you! That way I know I am not just talking to myself!
Have a great week! Make good decisions!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hey Losers...we made it through week 1. How did you do?
I don't mean compared to everyone else or every other team. I mean, in your mind, in relation to how you wanted to progress...How did you do? Did you have an eating plan that was healthy? Did you generally stick to it? Did you find some way to get some exercise this week? Move around a bit? Did you join the gym or maybe just show up at the gym that you've been a member of for a while? Were you miserable all week because you were dieting, or did you have a positive attitude about the whole thing, knowing that, in the end, you will be glad you did? Did you encourage someone else this week? Did someone encourage you?
In my mind, all of these things work together to make a good week. That doesn't mean that I will excel in every area, but did I make an effort to make this out-of-shape temple better? Did I try to help someone else make their out-of-shape temple better by encouraging or advising or going on a walk with them?
Now, let me ask you again...How did you do? I don't know about you, but I'm think I did good.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How Is It Going???

Well, we are on day are you feeling? Have you gotten into a routine with your food plan? Has water become your friend? Have you gotten your body moving? I hope so. I have been seeing several Bethel's Biggest Loser participants at the gym...good for you! I am always proud to see you and it makes me want to pick up the pace a bit, so you are encouraging me!
I am a little nervous about Wednesday...I want to scale to note my hard work, but the scale hasn't always been my friend! I guess I just have to do my well, exercise, drink water, and pray!
If you fell off the diet wagon somewhere along these 5 days then get up, dust yourself off, set your GPS to better health, and take up where you fell off. YOU CAN DO THIS...I KNOW YOU CAN! You are in my prayers daily...Keep strong!

See you at the scale

Friday, February 5, 2010

Working It Out

I always love it when I go to the gym and see Biggest Loser team members there working out. It lets me know that we are committed to this journey we have begun. There were a lot of empty tread mills, bikes, and elliptical machines though. Come on...put on your sweats and spend an hour. You will be so proud of yourself! I know I am. I have been going regularly since Christmas. Today I rode the bike 6 miles at a 10 intensity and I worked out on the elliptical for 8 minutes at a 7 (this one is harder for me), and then I used some of the machines. My muscles are feeling a little sore, but tighter. I am drinking water, although I could drink more. I am feeling pretty good for day 2. How about you? Tell me what you are doing for your workout. If you haven't started, get some inspiration and then share your journey. Looking forward to hearing from you. Stay strong...make plans...don't get detoured. If you do, don't give up...begin again where you are. Praying for you all. See you Sunday.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am pumped! 92 Losers have committed to this journey we call "Bethel's Biggest Loser"! That is awesome! I can't wait to see the results in the coming weeks. Tomorrow is DAY 1...I hope you have your plan in place and your pantry is the best way to not stumble on the first day. The goal for us all is to be a loser. Sure, this is a competition, but that is just to motivate you and to make it fun. Our ultimate goal is to honor Christ with our bodies...we all can be winners!
We are randomly drawing for teams tomorrow and will report the results on the blog and to the team leaders ASAP. Your team leader will contact you to let you know who your teammates are. Please, be supportive of each supportive of other will make all the difference if you know others are cheering for you, praying for you, and holding you accountable.
It is going to be an interesting 13 weeks. I can't wait! Here's looking at a thinner "you" next week. See you at the scale! Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Are you ready??? Do you have your refrigerator and pantry stocked with good food choices? Did you clean out all the Oreos, Potato Chips, M&M's and regular ice cream? Those temptation foods, if left within reach, could de-rail you. I know it sometimes seems wasteful, but it will be worth it in the end. Take those things to work...if your colleagues are like mine they will take care of them for you.
I am so looking forward to will be the start of something great and fulfilling for us personally. We need to take care of ourselves, it will help us as we take care of others.
Looking forward to getting started. See you at the scale!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Almost Here! Are You Ready?

I am pumped! Bethel is closing ranks and getting our lives on track to better health! Many of you have committed to becoming a team member of Bethel's Biggest Loser. You are giving the next 13 weeks of your personal health to God. Bathe this journey in prayer for yourself and those in this battle with you. Prepare your mind with The Word and with a plan. You can't begin without a plan, so that is your homework. Get a plan for eating, and also for exercise.
Many of you are joining American Fitness or another gym...good for you! I will be looking for you, and you look for me. If you don't see me there, ask me when I am going and I will do the same for you. Accountability is key.
I am excited for this trip to begin. Pack your bags and let's go!
See you Sunday!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm So Excited!

We had a great turnout for our informational meeting for Bethel's Biggest Loser today! It was fabulous to see so many people, eager to get started on this journey. Ready to support and encourage one another throughout the next 13 weeks. If you took an enrollment card home, don't forget to return it ASAP...that is your golden ticket to get on the Loser Train! Talk up the contest with your Bethel friends...the more the merrier!
What should you do now??? Decide what type of eating plan you want to use. That is key to getting a successful start. Get your ducks in a row...know what special equipment you might need; measuring spoons and cups, food scale, calorie guide...clean out your refrigerator and cabinets...get rid of all of the unhealthy junk food that could be a temptation for your new plan. Get a food journal to keep track of what you eat and your water intake. It is smart to begin by writing it down for a while. It helps you see patterns in your eating and lets you be sure to eat the right daily amounts of food and water.
Get your head in the game...a positive attitude and starting with a plan will spell success for you and your team!
I am excited! I hope you are too!

Saturday, January 23, 2010



Information Meeting


Bethel’s Biggest Loser is a 13-week weight loss competition beginning Wednesday, February 3 and ending May 5. A $20 non-refundable registration fee will be required to participate. This money will be used to award prizes for both team and individual Biggest Losers. Because this contest not only requires an individual effort, but a team effort as well, it is extremely important to evaluate whether or not you are ready to make the commitment to participate in the contest. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link! Your fellow team members will depend on you to be faithful in your weight loss efforts and encourage them to stay faithful to theirs.

Basic Information:

1. Teams will be selected by random drawing. The teams will then be identified by a color (e.g. Red team, Blue team, etc.). Each team will be assigned a captain. The captain’s role will be to encourage and motivate team members, pass information, and keep team members on track with their weight loss efforts.

2. Private weekly weigh-ins will be held on Wednesdays in Pastor Jim’s office (Room 105). Each person will be weighed on the same scale throughout the competition. First weigh-in will be on February 3. It is recommended that you wear the same clothes each week to weigh-in.

3. You must weigh-in weekly. Weigh-ins will help you stay on track and keep you motivated to meet your weight-loss goal. Contact your team captain if you are unable to make your weigh-in. Missing your weigh-in will have a negative impact on your team. If you miss the weigh-in two consecutive weeks you will be ineligible to receive prizes or awards.

4. Weight loss scoring is based on percent (not the number of pounds) of

body weight lost per individual and team.

5. Weekly weigh-in reports will be posted on Bethel’s Biggest Loser Blog at Team members are encouraged to check the blog daily and post comments that will be helpful and encouraging to all those participating in the contest.

6. Accountability is vital to the success of the contest. Team members are encouraged to contact each other frequently to provide support and encouragement in weight loss efforts. Most importantly, pray for each other daily!

7. While the purpose of this contest is to encourage each other to lose weight by changing diet and lifestyle, the ultimate purpose is to become better stewards of the body that God has given us so we can serve Him better. In Bethel’s Biggest Loser program, there are no losers - only winners. As we encourage and celebrate with one another, we lose weight and get in better shape to serve our Lord! Through Christ we can all be winners!